Unbuilt Lotissements
The main institution responsible for housing the workers had many other plans in Bucharest, which failed to be put in practice due to their dismantle.
The Municipal Company for Low Cost Housing acquired land starting 1910 and by 1948 had made the plans for the construction of (at least) 9 lotissements. Mihai Bravu-Cățelu represented probably the most important project of the company on more than 50ha, close to the already existing lotissement Raion. The Company got the land on Econom Cezărescu from the Municipality in 1910 and it acquired other plots in 1928, but the Archives keep no record of any designed plan for the lotissement. In addition, the Company was supposed to expand Panduri, Iancului and Tei lotissements (on Tei case, the archives keep as the designed plan), as well as the ones for Ziduri Moși and Pantelimon, signed by architect D. Ionescu. The Company also owned the plot on Ferentari where later on the Municipality arranged a park and also two small plots on Splaiul Independenței and Bulevardul Independenței.
On the other side, the Construction Company owned many plots of land in Bucharest. The authorities even authorized the edification of Drumul Murgului lotissement in the forties, but the project stopped in 1949.