Book: The Construction Company

Book: The Construction Company

Authors Irina Calotă-Popescu and Andrei Răzvan Voinea are preparing the second volume edited by Studio Zona, which investigates the history of the Construction Company, the second state institution tasked with social housing projects before the communist period. The notable achievements of this institution were the Independenței lotissement (1930-1933) and the Vatra Luminoasă lotissement (1933-1949). The analysis uses new archival material, only recently made available for research at the National Archives and personal photography of the Hanciu family (one of the architects in charge). Part of these histories was previously presented to the present inhabitants of the lotissement in 2018 in two brochures focusing on Vatra Luminoasă and a flyer on Independenței lotissement. The research complements the first book, “Idealul locuirii bucureștene: familia cu casă și grădină (Parcelările Societății Comunale pentru Locuințe Ieftine – București 1908-1948)”, and the team warmly invites all inhabitants of the two areas to the launch event (December 2020).


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